2021 – 2022
Studio Policies

Fees are $30/30min, $45/45min, $60/1 hour and will be set for the school year. *For lessons at the student’s home, an extra fee of $10 will be charged per household.
Lesson payment
All lessons must be pre-paid on the first lesson of every month. Monthly payments may be in the form of cash/cheque/interac transfer( lespetitsvirtuoses@gmail.com ). Please make all cheques payable to Les Petits Virtuoses. Invoices and receipts will be sent via email.
Student absences
When a student signs up for lessons, they are registering for a specific time slot which is reserved for them each week. The teacher must be paid for the times they are booked to teach therefore if you miss your scheduled lesson, you will be charged for it. The teacher may be able to reschedule a lesson if they are given more than 24 hours notice before the scheduled lesson.
Late arrivals
In the event of a late arrival by a student, the ending time of the lesson will remain the same to maintain the integrity of the teaching schedule and to respect the next student’s time. Punctuality is the responsibility of the student and/or parent. In the case the teacher is late, all efforts will be made to have the lesson in its entirety.
Discontinuation of lessons
Students who decide to discontinue their lessons must notify the teacher immediately. If there are remaining lessons in the month, there will be no reimbursements so the student may decide to make use of the remaining lessons or forfeit the amount paid for the remainder of the month.
Scheduled holidays & breaks
Please refer to the calendar for all holidays and breaks.
Lesson materials
Students are responsible for the purchase of all books and materials required by their teacher. On occasion, the teacher may loan the student some materials in which case it is the student’s responsibility to return it in the same condition it was in when first loaned. Any materials that are lost or damaged while in the student’s care will be replaced or paid for by the student.
The student is expected to do a reasonable amount of practicing if results are to be expected. It is proven that parental involvement, especially with younger children, makes a great difference in their success. Reminders for your child to practice and/or sitting with them during their practice time will aid in their progress. If a clear lack of participation occurs during lessons, the teacher reserves the right to terminate lessons at their discretion. In this case, remaining lessons will be refunded.

Group Lessons
There will be numerous occasions for groups lessons throughout the year. These classes will occur at the teacher’s home and on a weekend date set by the teacher. There will be casual performance opportunities for students within the studio to play for each other and practice proper performance etiquette (both as performers and audience members). These classes allow students to develop their critical listening skills as they offer both praise and constructive feedback to their peers based on their own music knowledge and training. In this unique setting, students also receive a mini-lesson and brief feedback from the teacher.
Students and parents will be notified of upcoming group classes weeks prior. Attendance is strongly encouraged but not mandatory. Masterclasses are for the teacher and students so parents will be dropping their children off for the duration of the class.
There are two recitals per year (December and June). Please refer to the calendar for the dates. Other details will be shared at least 1 month in advance. There may be a fee per student to participate in the recital in order to cover recital costs. Parents will be notified of any recital related fees along with the recital details. These music recitals are a chance for the students to perform on stage, and for the entire studio community to celebrate the hard work and accomplishments of every student. Whether it be students who have played for a decade or who are performing for the very first time, these formal recitals are a celebration of their consistent hard work, perseverance, practice and dedication as well as the enjoyment and sharing of their music. *Please note that the recitals may be done online if current Covid-19 situations continue.

Scheduled holidays & breaks
Please refer to the calendar for all holidays and breaks.
Lesson materials
Students are responsible for the purchase of all books and materials required by their teacher. On occasion, the teacher may loan the student some materials in which case it is the student’s responsibility to return it in the same condition it was in when first loaned. Any materials that are lost or damaged while in the student’s care will be replaced or paid for by the student.
The student is expected to do a reasonable amount of practicing if results are to be expected. It is proven that parental involvement, especially with younger children, makes a great difference in their success. Reminders for your child to practice and/or sitting with them during their practice time will aid in their progress. If a clear lack of participation occurs during lessons, the teacher reserves the right to terminate lessons at their discretion. In this case, remaining lessons will be refunded.
Group Lessons
There will be numerous occasions for groups lessons throughout the year. These classes will occur at the teacher’s home and on a weekend date set by the teacher. There will be casual performance opportunities for students within the studio to play for each other and practice proper performance etiquette (both as performers and audience members). These classes allow students to develop their critical listening skills as they offer both praise and constructive feedback to their peers based on their own music knowledge and training. In this unique setting, students also receive a mini-lesson and brief feedback from the teacher.
Students and parents will be notified of upcoming group classes weeks prior. Attendance is strongly encouraged but not mandatory. Masterclasses are for the teacher and students so parents will be dropping their children off for the duration of the class.
There are two recitals per year (December and June). Please refer to the calendar for the dates. Other details will be shared at least 1 month in advance. There may be a fee per student to participate in the recital in order to cover recital costs. Parents will be notified of any recital related fees along with the recital details. These music recitals are a chance for the students to perform on stage, and for the entire studio community to celebrate the hard work and accomplishments of every student. Whether it be students who have played for a decade or who are performing for the very first time, these formal recitals are a celebration of their consistent hard work, perseverance, practice and dedication as well as the enjoyment and sharing of their music. *Please note that the recitals may be done online if current Covid-19 situations continue.

Questions & Concerns
Please feel free to contact us with any questions and/or concerns you may have. Your opinions are important!
As we all know, the current pandemic situation calls for changes in everyday protocols. The health and safety of the students, families and teacher is of the upmost importance. Lessons starting in September will be the student’s choice whether they prefer online or in-person lessons. For in-person lessons, the following rules will be strictly enforced to ensure the safety of all those involved:
- Masks are to be worn throughout the lesson by both the student and teacher.
- Both student and teacher will thoroughly wash their hands before and after the lesson.
- The keys of the keyboard/piano/instruments shared during the lesson will be sanitized before and after the lesson.
- Appropriate distance will be maintained for the duration of the lesson.
We appreciate your continued understanding and support in maintaining a safe educational environment for all of our students!
The most important thing is that lessons continue to be both fun and educational! Here is to another year of laughter, learning and self-discovery through music.
Looking forward to making music with you all!
Contact information
Les Petits Virtuoses
Email: lespetitsvirtuoses@gmail.com
Phone: (514)-884-4914